Our Work


Enjoy our collection of motorcycles we've customize and restore with passion

Custom Projects

A custom motorcycle is a motorcycle with stylistic and/or structural changes to the 'standard' mass-produced machine offered by major manufacturers. Custom motorcycles might be unique, or built in limited quantities. While individual motorcyclists have altered the appearance of their machines since the very first days of motorcycling, the first individualized motorcycles specifically labeled 'Custom' appeared in the late 1950s.


Restoration Projects

Restoration of a motorcycle refers to the process of restoring the motorcycle to its original condition. Neither updating nor modifying are considered part of the restoration process. A restored motorcycle is one that has had all of its systems and/or parts restored to original condition.

Email: info@jigsawcustoms.com
Phone: (0030)22940-97292
Address: 79 Marathon Ave. N.Makri 19005 Greece

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